Jung Gawang

I was born in Incheon, South Korea in 1990.

In 2008 I graduated from a technological high school and began to further cultivate my passion for classical music, especially for the violin. This period also saw the beginning of my strong interest in violin making, and my understanding that it would become my future profession.

I studied Italian and the fundamentals of stringed instrument construction over the next two years with the aim of then enrolling in the world-renowned violin making school in Cremona. In 2012 I entered the school directly into the third year class, and graduated in 2015 under the guidance of Maestro Massimo Ardoli.

In 2016 I began my formative apprenticeship in the workshop of Maestro Francesco Toto, where, after completing my period of formation, I stayed on to work.

In 2018, while working in the worksop of Maestro Francesco Toto, I participated in the international violin making competition “XV° Concorso Triennale Internazionale di Liuteria “Antonio Stradivari”” where I received the gold medal for overall winner in the cello section.

Since 2019 I continue to collaborate with Maestro Francesco Toto as a freelancer.

Special Awards

  • Gold Medal “Simone Fernando Sacconi” for most deserving in the under 30s section at the XV° “Concorso Triennale Internazionale di Liuteria “Antonio Stradivari””.
  • “Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte” Award for best violin maker of foreign origin who resides and works in Italy.
  • “Cremona Mondomusica” Award, given by “Cremona Fiere” to participate at the Mondomusica fair in Cremona in 2019.

Mondomusica 2019

Cremona Mondomusica (international Exhibitions in Cremona)
From 27th to 29th September 2019 - Stand 73

Jung Gawang - Mondomusica 2019

Winner of Triennale 2018

In 2018, while working in the worksop of Maestro Francesco Toto, I participated in the international violin making competition “XV° Concorso Triennale Internazionale di Liuteria “Antonio Stradivari”” where I received the gold medal for overall winner in the cello section.

Special Awards

  • Gold Medal “Simone Fernando Sacconi” for most deserving in the under 30s section at the XV° “Concorso Triennale Internazionale di Liuteria “Antonio Stradivari””.
  • “Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte” Award for best violin maker of foreign origin who resides and works in Italy.
  • “Cremona Mondomusica” Award, given by “Cremona Fiere” to participate at the Mondomusica fair in Cremona in 2019.